The huge site hoardings you see running around new developments present us with a perfect opportunity for demonstrating the power of great large format digital design and print, as long as the hoarding structure is well-prepared and built to last. At Octink we have, over the last 10 years, worked on many of the stand-out retail and residential hoarding schemes created in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester.Octink has developed a hoarding specification which hoarding contractors should aim towards (available upon request). These specifications provide the necessary ingredients for a perfect canvas on which to display a successful advertising campaign. There is however a structural hurdle to overcome before starting a hoarding project. New developments often take place in exposed, and sometimes remote, locations and the resulting implications from wind damage are huge, including structural damage and loss, with possible injuries to members of the public. Periodic maintenance addressing structural integrity, as well as cosmetic appearance, is, therefore, a vital for any company seeking to achieve creative impact in the safest and most responsible way. Sites are expected to run all prospective advertising hoarding details past the temporary works engineer to ensure that the final specification matches the location.
Advertising hoardings will potentially be on display for months with thousands of prospective clients passing by and the power of a great hoarding design complementing a scheme is not to be underestimated. It is worth spending time when designing a site hoarding as this is normally the largest piece of marketing material you will produce during a campaign. Your audience will not stand and read a long essay about the site or advert, so short snappy copy broken up with great attention-grabbing imagery is much more effective than copy heavy designs. Large images or illustrations are a great way of drawing attention to the site as are the introduction of inventive lighting using LEDs, used increasingly to add a extra sparkle.
We can help with any aspect of advertising hoardings from planning, through design and printing, to installation.
Our in-house print capability means we can achieve high volume and quality quickly. Brief our team of experts today to bring your vision to life.